Compatibility Hair Test
(600 items)

Do you know that consuming foods or using products that are incompatible with you can compromise your health and delay healing?

Would you like to know which foods or products are incompatible with you?

Compatibility Hair Testing Can Help You!

Compatibility Hair Testing is a simple, non-invasive test that requires a small sample of hair (saliva is also suitable) to identify the influence, whether positive or negative, that a wide range of foods and household items have on cellular function.

It removes the guesswork out of trying to figure out which individual foods are right for you.

It is based on the way in which foods and products benefit the individual person.

The hair analysis test and wellness program is the result of more than 30 years of research and development by an experienced natural health practitioner. Behind the test lies the principle that every person is different therefore the way each individual reacts or processes each food will be different.

“You’ll see lasting changes as the program is working at the very root of the issue – NOT just masking the symptoms.”

This 6-month wellness program is NOT about avoiding foods, it is focused on repairing what areas of the body are not functioning well enough and using the remaining foods on the list to help reduce inflammation and repair cellular function so the body can repair as much as possible naturally. After 6 months, you can retest to see what foods can be reintroduced.

A restorative program that is easy to integrate into your existing diet and lifestyle – easy to adopt and stick to.

What does the hair analysis test for?

The standard test covers a list of common items from Australian supermarkets and health food stores, including all food groups, bathroom, laundry, gluten-free and kitchen products.

The test results highlight which foods and products are right for your body and which are NOT. Feeding your body correctly supports healing and for your immune system to work efficiently. This means that by following the program, your immune system gets to deal with each issue in a way that works best for you as an individual.


*includes a 20 minute consult to discuss results and steps forward

  • AUS List = AUD $297

  • Extra items: You can test extra food or product items not on the list. (AUD $10 each)

See below links for full list of items tested

What does the report include?

  • Test results for 600 items from Australian supermarkets

  • 14 Page comprehensive report to be used to formulate an appropriate treatment plan

  • A 4-week progress form which you complete and return for any follow-up assessments

  • Progress forms to fill in for the remaining 5 months of a 6-month program

  • Discount voucher for a retest in 6 months

Refer to the below links for more information: